Pomegranate juice benefit

number of doctor in University of Boston , America, test-drive pomegranate to masculine hare. Its result, pomegranate juice, proven improve blood stream to penis -- what of course can assist natural man problem of sexual.

Pomegranate juice also contain high flavonoid-- an type of antioksidan--important to degrade free radical, and also can give protection to heart sickness and cancer.

Doctor sure, man will enjoy many advantage in pomegranate which is have all kinds colour of like red, purple gleam, whitely, and chartreuse.

In one cup of pomegranate contain of antioxidant compared to one glass of red wine, tea green or of orange juice.

Antioxidan trusted to have important role to health, specially in preventing and fighting diseases of degeneratif, like CHD ( disease heart coronary) and cancer.

Do not merely life of healthy love, healthier heart even also because this juice also clean " fat rust" venous pipe. You know, if/when small channel of brain, heart, eye, and rusty kidney of fat, can be danger as a result. You can be hit by heart attack, other disease warehouse and stroke.

It is not strange, in Budhisme pomegranate included in 3 blessed, besides citrus, and peach.

source from here.


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